Friday, April 9, 2010

We are home from Houston

Just wanted to make you aware that Matthew's Houston doctor allowed him to come on home to finish his current round of treatment at our Knoxville Oncologist's office. The details were taken care of over a matter of 2 days and we were on our way. Matthew was unhooked from his chemo yesterday morning (Thurs) and we flew home last night. This morning we went to Knoxville for him to "re-hooked". Unfortunately his urinalysis wasn't acceptable so they gave him a large bag of IV fluids and rescheduled his chemo hook-up for Monday. They'll retest him at that time to make sure he is in shape to take the chemo. If so, he will take the 2nd bag of chemo over a 7 day period ending the following Monday. At that point, he will have a 2 week break. When the break is over he will again be connected to 24/7 chemo that will last for 2 wks followed by another break. On June 1st, we will return to Houston for repeat scans.

It is WONDERFUL to be home! I believe that just the positive effects of being home will be a boost all the way around! Thanks to Greg, our yard and flower beds look amazing. Spring has definitely hit East Tennessee.

God blesses us daily through your prayers, phone calls, texts, supportive emails, blog entries and Facebook comments. They definitely lift us up and help us keep moving forward. Since we are home, I look forward to some local hugs as well!



nbta said...

So glad you are able to be home. May the Lord bless this time for you all and give Matthew a new time of strength and faith. We continue to pray and believe.

quig said...

Thank you for the update. Home is a wonderful place to be and I too am glad you are able to be there. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you continue on this journey. Blessings to all of you, John and Sandy

Anonymous said...

Nancy, So glad you and Matt are back in beautiful East Tennesseee! Being here should uplift your strength and spirits! We know the Devine Healer is with Matt, and He listens to our constant prayers! Pam @ Joe Rainey