Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blood counts are improving

Just a quick note to let you know that Matthew's white cell count was better on Thursday but only slightly. This is good news in that the "trend" for all of the counts is on the upswing. This means they have "bottomed out" since the first week of chemo in Houston and are now recovering. Unfortunately they were still way too low for him to begin chemo again. He did receive 2 shots (one Thurs and one Fri) of Neupagen that helps encourage manufacturing of the white cells. Hopefully with the shots and the trend of the numbers already moving upward, Matthew will be in good shape to begin chemo on Monday the 19th. Our appt. is at 1:00 p.m. that day.

Many of you have sent supportive messages this week reminding us that God continues to be in control and things happen for a reason. In the midst of these setbacks, Matthew is feeling much better, eating better and has gained weight. Praise the Lord for that!

I'll send a quick note after Monday's doctor's visit to let you know the latest.

Have a wonderful weekend!




nbta said...

We're still praying...glad Matthew is eating and feeling better. I hope that continues.

quig said...

Yes, we too are thankful that Matthew is eating and feeling better and the counts are moving in the right direction. We continue to pray with you and for all of you. Blessings, John

quig said...

Yes, we too are thankful that Matthew is eating and feeling better and the counts are moving in the right direction. We continue to pray with you and for all of you. Blessings, John